Yes they are!
But their world!
just a quick question for anyone who can answer.
i know jw's are not preaching in certain middle east countries because of the "danger".
yet i know for a fact catholics are there despite the danger, and many are being slaughtered and raped.. i have also travelled to many arctic and sub arctic inuit and cree communities.
Yes they are!
But their world!
i have been pondering about this for a while.
i wrote to cedars at some point an offered to help translate his articles into spanish but the answer was that they had all of their efforts committed.
i wrote to paul grundy and never got an answer.
That would be a great idea since the WT Org is heading in the Spanish domain.
In my area, last I heard there was 90 Spanish Congregations and only 20 English. The baptisms per convention range between 30-40 persons.
I'm sorry I wouldn't be able to help, the only thing I can write in Spanish is;
Que paa-so compa?
And I'm not even sure I spelled it right.
are the governing body of the wt wickedly smart with extremely high iq or are they leaders of the wt because they were at the right place at the right time.
(in other words, pure luck )-think lottery.
ive seen them talk in jwtv and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like jim simons who founded renaissance technologies or bill gates.
are the governing body of the wt wickedly smart with extremely high iq or are they leaders of the wt because they were at the right place at the right time.
(in other words, pure luck )-think lottery.
ive seen them talk in jwtv and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like jim simons who founded renaissance technologies or bill gates.
Are the Governing Body of the WT wickedly smart with extremely high IQ or are they leaders of the WT because they
were at the Right Place at The Right Time. (In other words, pure “Luck” )-Think lottery.
I’ve seen them talk in JWTV and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like Jim Simons who founded Renaissance Technologies or Bill Gates.
that is the truth-- that's really how i think now.
so why should i tell the truth?
just look at the person i've become.
I have changed a lot of my standards, but honesty is the one thing I have adamantly held to. My level of honesty shocks a lot of people, intrigues them, and results in forming great levels of trust.
Yea, you shocked me with your honesty in
no the wt borg is not closing!
that's wild dreaming!
they have been changing directions for a while now, and for whatever reasons, what is happening now is a part of that change!
Growth continues with over eight million members worldwide.
If you look at the statistics you know that this is not true. The above comment is making an assumption base on a short term view and predicting a long term result with assurance.
It’s like focusing on one tooth of a circular saw instead of looking at the entire saw blade and the direction it’s cutting.
In the 5 years prior to 1975, the number of publishers was increasing at an average of 15% per year. During the 1980s and early 1990s, growth continued at over 5% per year. This has fallen to between 1 -2%,
The WT is not getting stronger, it is getting weaker.
Power – The Governing Body are more firmly entrenched than ever and without challenge
Never in the history of the WT Organization have there been so many people that are challenging the GB. They are being questioned, made fun of, and force to testify by authorities, (Royal Commission) and made to look like weak humans. There are hundreds of videos, blogs, and websites pulling back the curtain on these imbeciles.
JWorg pays no salaries, provides no charity of any depth, so as a result is one of the most profitable religions in the business.
When was the last time you heard the Mormons beg for money? Or any other religion for that matter. If money was no problem, business would continue as usual. The recent changes are visible proof that they are reacting to danger.
Is this their demise, no,
but it is visible proof that;
they are not as powerful,
the deep pockets are not that deep,
and the growth is barely 2% annual growth.
i only bring this to the board, because a friend of mine once said he felt sorry for the footballers who made so much money.
that comment stayed with me, and over the years,the more i thought about that comment the more i agreed with him.. i admit the g.b destroy people's life's and are the sublimation of all that's good in people's life.
there only excuse is a fantazy asylum they claim to believe in.
People who lost a loved one because of the blood doctrine, people who went to prison for years because of the neutrality policy, people whose spouse left them because of the apostasy hysteria, parents who have not talked to their DF children, and Children who shun their parents because the parents saw the hypocrisy and DA themselves, and people who didn't have children because they were convinced to pioneer because the end was coming,and people who are old and struggling because they listened to the GB not to get higher education.
How can these people have pity for these men??.
Is the OP in Australia?
I'm not sure where, but as some of the comments mentioned, that would be a mistake because it just stirs the curiosity of the dubs and they will check it out in their IPads. Some will wake up and some won't. But if nothing is mentioned, no one will wake up. I hope all C.O. start doing this.
if a thread has been made about this i apologize.. if anyone has not seen the latest hbo documentary release, "going clear: scientology and the prison of belief" i cannot recommend highly enough that you watch it.
as the majority of us here are either survivors of or still trapped in a cult ourselves, this documentary will most certainly intrigue you.
it's the most in-depth and extensively researched documentary on scientology ever and features interviews with ex-scientologists who were right at the top until they fell foul of their megalomaniacal, paranoid chairman of the board, david miscavige.. i have read some of l. ron hubbard's books out of curiosity and outright dismissed them as utter nonsense.
It just shows that no matter how ridiculous or outlandish the beliefs and practices there will be someone, somewhere that will believe it,
Where do this people come from????? How does society even function with these people that are swayed to believe anything.
And if you give some people power it is a very, very dangerous thing.
That's how Hitler gained power. You get a crazy guy to convince a large group of people that can be swayed to believe anything and then we have a problem. Then the people that can think and reason, have hard time trying to get rid of him and his followers. In the end, a lot of causalities.